Monday, September 7, 2009

The God Father of all knowledge

On numerous occasions I have seen experienced people treating the less experienced ones with a sense of superiority that was way out of proportions. This is not applicable only in a corporate environment but also in the father/mother - son/daughter, husband - wife relationship. I will chose to focus on the latter.
In most of the cases the "experienced one" states that he does the things he does (nervous reactions, correcting you in an irritating way for insignificant mistakes, etc.) out of love and because is trying to make you not to make mistakes, without realizing that his/her angry tone, the lack of patience, the posting in God Father of all knowledge will just induce a nervous state to the so called "apprentice". One other thing that they do not understand is that one of the most important aspects they have to focus on is represented by helping the other to build his/her self confidence. And how do you do that? Well, definitely not like the way presented above. Constant encouragement is needed even in the case of small mishaps, a friendly and understanding look and maybe even a pat on the shoulder stating "it's fine, you learned your lesson, let's move on now".
It's like when you have a small child that is just learning its first steps. Of course that he will not manage to do it from his first, second or third attempt, but if you scream at him not only that he will not manage to do it from his tenth attempt but, in time, his self confidence will suffer and he will constantly position himself as inferior compared to others.
The behaviour of such "experienced people" just demonstrates a sort of arrogance, a non-existent state of superiority and most of all a lack of judgement and incapacity to understand the human nature, that will eventually cause more harm than good. Don't be one of THEM!


  1. the LATTER...
    ITS first steps...
    (in sensul ca ar mai fi dar textul e mult prea plictisitor ca sa il pot citi integral)

  2. mersi pentru semnalarea greselilor
    poate textele viitoare nu vor mai fi atat de plictisitoare si vei ajunge pana la capat, bineinteles daca vei vrea sa mai existe o data viitoare.

  3. Uf, a sunat urat si neajutorat raspunsul tau, ca o scuza dupa o ejaculare precoce...Lasa, nu-i nimic, doar pentru ca unui om nu-i place filosofeala anosta intr-o limba pe care autorul n-o stapaneste nu inseamna ca nu esti talentat. E o chestie de gust si de cat de slab echipat intelectual e cititorul.
