Monday, August 31, 2009

Childish irony

It's raining, it's cold outside and we're eagerly waiting for the traffic lights to turn green.....again and again and again.... Everybody in the bus is thinking at something/someone, there's an awkward silence surrounding us. The bus stops, three kids hop in and start laughing. They laugh so loudly that everybody stopped thinking for a second and decided to give them "the look". You bad kids!
At the same time you realize that you stopped having that innocent fun, the childish one, and you wonder why. A first thought comes to your mind: I am a grownup now, that's what grownups do. We have to think about tomorrow, about tomorrow's deadlines, about the daily chores, if we payed our bills or not and so on, thus there's no time for fooling around! What were you thinking!?!?!
Isn't it ironic? When you're a child you want to grow up, be a part of the adult world because it's so cool. You think that nobody will tell you what to do, that you'll be able to do whatever you feel like doing. And then, it happens! You're a grownup.

Let's go in the park and have an ice cream!
No,you can't because you have a very important deadline tomorrow!

Do the first crazy that comes in your mind!
Grownups think before doing something, come on, don't be a child!

Walk through the rain!
Are you crazy? You can get a cold!

And then you think ....what happened to I can do whatever I wanna do? I wanna be a kid again!
IRONIC, isn't it?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Romania - the land of choice

Yes! It's your choice whether to stay here or move somewhere else. I keep hearing people all around me complaining about how bad things are in Romania. Don't get me wrong, I am one of the people that wants and wishes to move abroad, but while I am here I have a moral duty to try making a difference, no matter how insignificant that may be. Not throwing your chewing gum on the sidewalk after you're done chewing it, picking up the leftovers and the trash you made when you went out for a picnic, asking for a receipt when going to the store on the corner make a difference.
Now, here's the IRONY in this situation. Although they are complaining about how bad things are, most of the people that are doing it do nothing to change the way things are. People just don't care or do not understand that the change starts from the individual and then replicates itself at a larger scale. Their motto is: If he/she is doing it why shouldn't I? What difference am I going to make if the rest are not going to change?
YES... you will make a difference as you will set an example for your children and for the ones close to you, and they will set an example for their children and so on. Make this CHOICE in the land of choice!

Intro..... continued

You might ask how I managed to reach this moment, the moment when I decided to leave all the below mentioned fears away and start the blog... The answer is simple: I DIDN'T! I realised instead that fear and assumptions are the mother of all fuckups and that you will never know if you can succeed or not without trying. Give your best all the time, even in the most insignificant situations, and then, even if you succeeded or not, you'll be able to look back and say: I did my best!
Now for the IRONY lesson of the day..... When you look around you, you see successful people, less successful people, loosers, etc. Now what differentiates a looser/less successful person from the successful one? You might be tempted to say that the successful one is smarter, better looking, his parents had a good financial situation that allowed him to attend the best schools, etc. Yes, you might be right and in the same time you can be sooo wrong. Most of the times it's the ATTITUDE  and SELF CONFIDENCE that make the difference between success and failure. So.... you can be smart, good looking, have a good education and in the same time be the looser. IRONIC, isn't it?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Intro - First words about irony

I've been wanting to start a blog for a few years now, but the following questions have always popped-up: What are you going to write about? Are you going to be good enough? What will people think about your posts?
We will return to these questions a little bit later...
Now, what's with that tittle you would ask? Well, let me explain. I have always been seen as an extrovert, that is always saying what he is thinking, not being afraid about what others might say or think. Aaaand it's time to go back to the first questions.... If I was that guy, why was I having all those questions? Do you see the IRONY?
At a certain point in your life there's a huge difference between who you really are and  who do you prettend to be. It's up to you to reduce the gap between these two different faces of YOU.....