Thursday, December 31, 2009


Another year has passed. A year of struggles, with good and bad, with joy and sorrow, with achievements and disappointments, but in the end it's just another year.
2009 will always remain in the course of history as the year marked by the economic crisis, as the year of the first US black president, but most of all as the year of change. Change wasn't a choice, but more of a consequence. Overall, it was a necessity.
With the exception of a few, we all had to change. We had to change the way we think, the way we see things and overall the way we live. What has been the main trait of the last 2-3 years, namely overspending and extravaganza has now become obsolete. We had to rethink the basics, we had to adapt to a new world, but in the end we proved that we have the capacity to do it. We realized that we don't NEED that many things in order to be happy, that money does not guarantee happiness and that in the end, we have only ourselves and the ones we care for.
Personally, I consider 2009 the year of profound changes. The experiences of this year just made me stronger, more mature and maybe overall a better person, but that's not for me to say. Overall I consider it a good year that despite its ups and downs, taught me more valuable things than most of the other years.
I am now looking forward to 2010 with more confidence and with the belief that I will be able to capitalize on 2009's teachings.
Happy New Year to all of you out there!

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